Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What’s Wrong with This Spreadsheet?

    The data headings were all listed on two rows, so the column headings were only showing half the name. We merged the cells and the headings were correct.

    Our boss had a PivotChart attached to a PivotTable and was wondering why the PivotChart kept changing when he changed the PivotTable data. Naturally the chart would change, since he was getting his data from the table. We changed the data source to be the actual data instead of the table, and had no more issues. When working with charts and tables, it's important to make sure you are pulling the data from the right place.

    After the chart is created, you can move it to another worksheet and format as you wish.

Worked on by Quentin, Stephen, Bay, and Robert.


Kevin said...

The first line of excel sheet defines the row. This is like a property on field in a database.

acrazyrobot said...
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Robert said...

I concur.

acrazyrobot said...

I seem to look through the issues and find all of the fields were not right. Then we checked the data and it showed that there was being 2 columns being used. This boss should use his secretary more often.

Darikamanee said...

You can change the summary Data type right click on cell and click on "summarize Data by" then choose whatever you want to show from the data sheet such as sum, count, average, max, min, and product.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Great Work!! Its always important where your data is.

Robert said...
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Robert said...

Yeah, it is important to connect the data and the right data. Entering the same data over rather than connecting it can leave a lot of room for error, plus it just makes life a whole lot easier to connect it.