Monday, September 8, 2008

My First Blog!

My name is Quentin. I'm from Colebrook, New Hampshire.
If I had a thousand dollars, I would probably spend it on tutition.
I spend a lot of time with computers, they are my number one hobby. I also skateboard a little, and I am hoping while I'm at college to get into gym climbing. I have a lot of computer background - I grew up with computers since my dad repaired and resold them, and also worked as a programmer. I wrote my first functioning program before I was in young mens.
This next Wednesday we are installing Vista on our virtual PC's, which should be interesting since I've done it ohhh 20 times or so. So far I like this class quite a bit. Being on the projector was interesting. My initial reaction to the class is: I think this will go well.

Here is a picture.


Kevin said...

Post a picture. So we have a face.

QT said...

Here's a picture. Crash and burn taken to a new level. You can find a face in there if you look hard enough.

Abe said...

(Let's all just pretend that Crysis could in fact blow up your HD.)